The New Clinical Research Coordinator
Enhancing your knowledge and skills in clinical research
This website was created to help you succeed in your journey in clinical research. Whether it’s assistance in your current role as a CRC or to develop your skills for your future career in clinical research, I ho information, guides, and tools you can implement to succeed in this ever evolving career.
Learning the Fundamentals
We give you the fundamental knowledge needed for any effective Clinical Research Coordinators. This is knowledge that would’ve help many of many of us when we first started in clinical research. Be years ahead of your colleagues in your understanding of clinical trials.
Improve Productivity
We’ll delve into various situations and topics that will help prepare you in your busy CRC career. Topics include deviation prevention tools, project management skills, change communication techniques, and team-based approaches to clinical trial management.
Tools & Templates
We’ll teach you how to create your own tools and templates to manage your clinical trials and subjects. Visit schedule projections, conditional formatting, and subject tracking will be essential for your ability to manage more complex and data heavy trials.
The Creator
Hello! My name is Rick and I’m the creator of this website. I’m a former oncology clinical research coordinator with over a decade of experience in a variety of clinical research environments and over the years, I noticed a common trend: there is a serious lack of training, knowledge base development, and support for clinical research professionals that is readily available.
I created this website because I wish I had this information and these resources available to me when I was starting. It would have helped me understand what the role is about, it’s short and long-term impact, and how best to prepare myself as a CRC for any study that came my way. I hope it will help you too in your journey to an exceptional clinical research coordinator.